Saturday, February 16, 2019

Reinterpretación Filosófica de la Paideia Trágica :: Spanish Essays

Reinterpretacin Filosfica de la Paideia TrgicaABSTRACT Philosophy as paideia is shown here as a resignification of tragedy as paideia in consonance with several contemporary thinkers. In this philosophical reading of tragedy, noted as the confirmation of an thos starting from pthos, the experience of suffering is a privileged instance of learning which generates a peculiar wisdom anagnri sis. Its appropriation gives occasion for a deep transition that may take place as salvation. Moreover, the tragical paidea is in the case of Antgone an exemplary stand out of violence towards justice, and the surpassing of justice in the paradigm of friendship and world solidarity. From Antgone, it is doable to throw light on the ethical life (Sittlichkeit), so as to see it as did Hegel. In it there is already a conformation of tensions provoked by the connected incidence of destiny and the action of human liberty. This constitutes the tragical conflict which shakes the home or family, the pli s, the phsis and questions of justice and destiny, in order to recover them, perhaps, at a higher(prenominal) level of love and friendship. But above all, Antgone presents an alternating(a) to paidea because she speaks and acts from alterity, from the brother or sister as the other absent, and so allows the other side to emerge, the other side imperfectly seen until now as an obscure, unconscious, underground the other that one tends to forget and avoid the excluded, the nothing as mystery of being, the kingdom of shadows that exalts the limits of light-figures, the female principle as the gravity-force of the male principle, femininity as irony of the community. Ensayamos plantear aqu cmo, a partir de Hegel, ciertos textos contemporneos evidencian una asombrosa afinidad con la paideia trgica. Las figuras de Antgona y de Edipo, tal como las caracteriza Sfocles, recobran as toda su fuerza educativa de paradigmas ticos de humanizacin. Desde las relecturas de Hegel, Kierkegaard, He idegger, Ricoeur, M. Zambrano, Steiner han sabido liberar nuevas posibilidades a partir de estos modelos trgicos.1.- Antgona y el thos trgicoA nosotros nos ha interesado sobre todo la figura de Antgona , porque la obra homnima de Sfocles permite no slo un relevamiento de la eticidad (magistralmente ya realizado por Hegel), sino que presenta tambin una alternativa para la paideia.En cuanto a la eticidad, la piedad fraterna de Antgona tiene races ms profundas que un sentimiento subjetivo y azaroso.

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